Thursday 2 October 2014

School magazine: pictures

I am thinking about using this picture as my school magazine front cover, as it shows a sixth form student going into the sixth form area. It reaches the brief by being a medium-close up and being of only one student. The person in the picture is also looking posing for the photo by at the camera and smiling.


These pictures are good but I decided to use the first one as its better quality (because I turned the flash on)
 I didn’t want to use these pictures for my magazine either because, although they are good pictures and represent the school in a positive way (because she is doing her work) she doesn’t look like she’s posing for them, which does not apply with the brief for the work, and doesn’t work with the usual conventions for a magazine


 I didn’t want to use these two pictures because there is too much writing already on it and there wouldn’t be much more room to write on the front because of the signs she is posing in front of.


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