Tuesday 21 October 2014

music: mind map

Here I have brainstormed the word 'music' and wrote the things that come to my head when I think of the word music, I also researched the word music on the internet, I did this as I am making a music magazine and it may have given me ideas and inspiration for the title of my magazine and the genre my magazine is going to be about, which is something that might otherwise be quite time consuming.

music magazine investigation: magazine mood board.

To start off my music magazine investigation I have looked at different music magazines with different genres, and created a mood board, I did this to give myself an idea on what kind of magazine genre I could do and other ideas on things such as fonts, colours and pictures.

Thursday 16 October 2014

school magazine contents: draft

 Here is a draft that I did on the computer of the contents page that would be inside the magazine to show what is on which page. It also shows a letter from the editor of the magazine, and further teasers which there is boxes and an explanation of what pictures would be in them, it also would show where we can find the full stories. The 'Contents' title is the same font, colours and theme as the masthead on my magazine cover as it fits with the school colours.

Thursday 2 October 2014

school magazine: draft 2

I decided to change the picture on my front cover to this picture because it has more of a plain background and looks more professional

I am satisfied with this magazine cover, I think I could have done better with this magazine cover, if I were to do it again and I could change certain aspects I would probably do more with the background and just make the magazine look more professional using a different picture as the cover or editing the picture I have more and make the teasers all the same size, font and colour. To distribute my magazine I would sell it to pupils, students and teachers in the canteen because they have tills and people go there every day so it may catch their eye while they are buying food at break or lunch time. I went about producing my cover firstly by analysing other popular magazines to look at the usual codes and conventions of magazines, then I designed some masthead ideas on a piece of paper and decided what colours I would use on the font, on this magazine I decided to use the school colours (purple and green) as it is a student magazine for Emrys Ap Iwan.

school magazine: draft 1

I used the picture that I wanted to use as my front cover on my draft 1 and started adding a background.

then I started adding the conventions of the magazine.

School magazine: pictures

I am thinking about using this picture as my school magazine front cover, as it shows a sixth form student going into the sixth form area. It reaches the brief by being a medium-close up and being of only one student. The person in the picture is also looking posing for the photo by at the camera and smiling.


These pictures are good but I decided to use the first one as its better quality (because I turned the flash on)
 I didn’t want to use these pictures for my magazine either because, although they are good pictures and represent the school in a positive way (because she is doing her work) she doesn’t look like she’s posing for them, which does not apply with the brief for the work, and doesn’t work with the usual conventions for a magazine


 I didn’t want to use these two pictures because there is too much writing already on it and there wouldn’t be much more room to write on the front because of the signs she is posing in front of.