Tuesday 30 September 2014

task 1: masthead

our first task was to look at different magazines and analyse the masthead of them, we had to look at things like the size and colour.

LOOK magazine is a popular fashion and celebrity gossip magazine; it is that popular that the masthead is covered by celebrities heads almost every time. The name of this magazine ‘look’ tells that it is most probably going to be something to do with fashion, and as on most issues the colour of the masthead font is either pink or red with a female celebrity on the front shows it is targeted for women, you can also tell this as there are women’s clothes on the front. Another magazine like this with the masthead almost completely covered is Vogue.

Other magazines that are not as popular or long established and well known do not have the masthead covered; this may be because when people are looking for it, if the masthead is covered then they may not find it, or if it’s not popular they will have to put a masthead on their magazine so people will know what magazine it actually is.

Bazaar jewellery magazine does not have its masthead covered because it is not a fashion magazine it is just for jewellery, so you would probably only get this magazine if you were specifically looking for it, if it does not have a masthead it would be harder to recognize and find.

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